2015 was the 50th Anniversary of the rediscovery of the Caspian Horse by Louise Firouz. In order to celebrate this momentous event, CHS council member Farokh Khorooshi teamed up with the renowned photographer Colin Barker and Caspian specialist and Patron of the Caspian Horse Society Ateshe Firouz to produce photos for a 50th Anniversary commemorative calendar.
Together they are travelled over the globe in search of these precious horses.Travelling to Iran to attend the 12th Caspian Horse Festival in Rasht, near the southwest of the Caspian Sea, they used this opportunity to photograph Caspian horses in their native land.
Farokh has been asked to write diaries of the trips for the CHS website.
Here are some of them below.
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Caspian Horse Gene Bank
Caspian Horse Society Registered Charity number 1076026
Registered Company number 3763510 Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales
Registered Office: 10 Water Lane, Castle Bytham, Grantham, Lincs. NG33 4RT
© Copyright CHS 2018
Registered Company number 3763510 Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales
Registered Office: 10 Water Lane, Castle Bytham, Grantham, Lincs. NG33 4RT
© Copyright CHS 2018